
Ling Demolition Services Limited has been established for over 20 years, during which time it has developed vast experience and respect within the demolition industry.

As part of the Company’s management review process, the decision was taken to formalise and improve its Quality, Environmental and Health and Safety Policies, procedures and performance by adopting the ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 models.

The intention and purpose of this approach was to improve the Company’s overall performance and to aid its marketing and sales objectives. Statius Management Services were appointed to review the Company’s practices, policies and procedures and to aid in the implementation of an Integrated Management System


A review of the Company’s policies, procedures and practices was conducted from which the following were identified.


• Many documented procedures, policies and templates existed

• Good depth of knowledge and experience within the industry

• Well trained personnel at all levels

• Driven towards improving management systems and company effectiveness

• A complete and detailed Health and Safety Policy was present


• No formal Quality Management System

• Duplication and many versions of documentation, templates and procedures without revision or issue control

• Legislative and regulatory compliance not clearly identified

• Roles and responsibilities not clearly defined

• Poor communication at all levels

• No formal environmental Policy

• Health and safety policy and procedures not being fully implemented

In summary, Ling Demolition Services has extensive knowledge and experience of the Demolition Industry and has maintained an impressive client base by providing a good service. However, the review process did identify that there was a distinct lack of formal policies, procedures and processes, leaving the Company potentially exposed to legislative and regulatory non-compliance.

The lack of a Quality Management System led to confusion, lost time, poor communication and, ultimately, loss of revenue due to reduced performance.

The review was conducted by establishing the processes followed from project tendering through to project closure, for example:

• Tendering process

• Design

• Planning

• Project Start

• Documentation

• Project closure

The identified processes where subject to a gap analysis approach from which weaknesses and strengths were identified.

Upon completion of the gap analysis, remedial actions were identified and implemented. The process was completed as a staged programme by setting specific objectives which ensured changes were effectively communicated and implemented. All changes to policies, procedures and the QMS where rolled out at the monthly management meetings to ensure full understanding of the changes being implemented.

Upon completion and implementation of the Integrated System, regular internal and external audits were conducted prior to the full Certification audit to ensure that the system and policies were working effectively and being fully implemented.


The full certification process for the Integrated Management System which incorporated ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and BS OHSAS 18001 was completed and approved at the first audit with no non-conformance issues being raised.

The benefits of the Integrated Management System have been considerable and clearly evident within the entire Company and include the following:

• Significantly reduced risk of Environmental and Health and Safety regulatory and legislative non-compliance potentially leading to prosecution.

• A structured approach to the processes and activities conducted, which has given consistent and effective results in the way the Company is managed.

• Substantially improved quality and reduced the time spent completing pre-qualification tenders.

• Improved communication throughout the Company giving a significant reduction in time lost.

• As a certified company, the Company’s professional reputation within the market place has been enhanced.

• Improved profitability through increased efficiency.